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Year-End Tax Planning Ideas

The following are some ideas for individuals and business owners to reduce income taxes as 2014 draws to a close.   Individuals should consider doing their RRSP contributions before the RRSP rush in the first 60 days of 2015. You can get better values by buying today than when all the last minute procrastinators rush […]

The Three ECs of Life Insurance

Life insurance is initially purchased for any of a number of reasons. As time goes by, many people question why they are still carrying their policies as the original purpose no longer applies.   Here are the three uses of life insurance:   Estate Creation – When Ralph and Alice bought their first life insurance […]

Financial Strategies for the ‘University Years’

Many parents wrestle with the dilemma of how much financial support to provide their children attending post-secondary programs. The costs today are much greater than what the parents paid for similar schooling some thirty or more years ago.   Tuition costs alone have risen at least tenfold since the 1970’s for a basic humanities degree, […]